U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Notice: This webpage may contain web links to Affiliate Sponsors, meaning if you choose to click on such links--and then make a purchasing decision on that affiliated website--we may receive a portion of the proceeds at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you!
i. Purpose Statement: The purpose of this Open Source Curator on Arctic Militarization & Global Security is to provide a master collection of independently-verifiable primary sources regarding the militarization of, and international geostrategic interests related to, the geography along, and north of, the Arctic Circle (i.e. "Arctic Security").
ii. Target Audience: The target audience of this reference list includes both specialists and laypeople--any group or individuals interested in accessing the world's most reliable open sources concerning Arctic Security. Ideal for intelligence desks, newsrooms, academic researchers, think tanks, policymaker staff, military advisors, and self-informing citizens anywhere in the world.
iii. Original Value: At this time, there DOES NOT seem to be any online aggregator that collates all open sources relevant to Arctic Security and arranges them in one place for quick and easy reference. To this end, this Curator List seeks to help fill that information resource gap, by taking all global, reputable, and relevant URLs concerning Arctic Security and making them available here.
iv. How to Use: Many researchers save this webpage in their browser favorites, bookmark bar, startup tabs, or by other similar means. Analysts also save any number of the below URLs to create their own lineup of saved browser tabs, organized folders & files in their browser bookmark bar, and they've aggregated the social media accounts associated with many of the below media outlets.
v. About the "Curator's Top Twelve (12)": This list is intended to provide a quick reference for the most helpful sources, per what the Curator Team finds most efficacious for their research contracts. Thus, the Top Twelve is inclined to change over time as the Curator Team refines its research methodology with each & every contract. We simply wish to freely share that which helps us to craft the best OSINT products regarding Arctic Security with the rest of the global research community.
Table of Contents | Total Sources: (273)
[Continue to "Curator's Top Twelve (12)"]
I. Curator's Top Twelve (12)
The Arctic Institute: Center for Circumpolar Security Studies - Publications https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/publications/
Arctic Today - News https://www.arctictoday.com/category/news/
Atlantic Council: Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security - Transatlantic Security Initiative: Arctic Security https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/programs/scowcroft-center-for-strategy-and-security/transatlantic-security-initiative/arctic-security/
The Barents Observer https://thebarentsobserver.com/en
Center for Strategic & International Studies - Search for "Arctic" in website's search bar (modify search preferences such as Publication Date & Article Type under "Refine Results") https://www.csis.org/search?search_api_views_fulltext=arctic&sort_by=search_api_relevance&
High North News https://www.highnorthnews.com/en
NATO - Search for "Arctic" in website's search bar https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/search.htm?query=arctic&submitSearch=
North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) https://www.norad.mil/
Radio Canada International - Eye on the Arctic https://www.rcinet.ca/eye-on-the-arctic/
Stars and Stripes - Search for "Arctic" in website's search bar https://www.stripes.com/search/?q=arctic&type=storyline&contextPublication=true
Swedish Armed Forces - News https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/aktuellt/
Yle [Step 1: Search "arktinen" in website's search bar; Step 2: Select the magnifying glass icon to open the official Search Results webpage; Step 3: Select "Hakutyökalut" ["Search Tools"]; Step 4: Select "Milloin tahansa" ["Whenever"] to adjust date-range (very helpful for searching Arctic-related content within specific time periods)] https://haku.yle.fi/?language=fi&query=arktinen&type=article&uiLanguage=fi
II. All International & Multi-National Sources (37)
Aleut International Association https://aleut-international.org/
The Arctic Athabaskan Council https://arcticathabaskancouncil.com/
The Arctic Coast Guard Forum https://www.arcticcoastguardforum.com/
The Arctic Council - News https://arctic-council.org/news/
The Arctic Economic Council https://arcticeconomiccouncil.com/
The Arctic Institute: Center for Circumpolar Security Studies - Publications https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/publications/
Arctic Today - News https://www.arctictoday.com/category/news/
The Atlantic Council - Arctic Security https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/programs/scowcroft-center-for-strategy-and-security/transatlantic-security-initiative/arctic-security/
The Barents Euro-Arctic Cooperation https://www.barentscooperation.org/en/About/Learn-More/International-Arctic,-Barents-and-Northern-cooperation#
The Barents Euro-Arctic Council https://www.barents-council.org/
The Barents Euro-Arctic Council - News https://www.barents-council.org/news
The Barents Regional Council https://www.barents-council.org/barents-regional-council/about-the-council
Center for Strategic & International Studies - Search for "Arctic" in Website's Searchbar (modify search preferences such as publication date & article type under "Refine Results") https://www.csis.org/search?search_api_views_fulltext=arctic&sort_by=search_api_relevance&
European Commission - Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Development of the Arctic (SADA) https://www.arcticinfo.eu/en/
European Parliament - Search "Arctic" in website search bar, then select "Sort by date" https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/research/advanced-search?textualSearch=arctic&sort=DATE_DOCU
European Polar Board - News https://www.europeanpolarboard.org/news-events/news/
European Polar Board - Projects https://www.europeanpolarboard.org/projects/
European Union (EU) External Action Service (EAS) - EU Arctic Policy https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage_en/20956/EU%20Arctic%20policy
European Union (EU) Institute for Security Studies (ISS) [Search "Arctic" in website search bar] https://www.iss.europa.eu/search-view?search_text=arctic
GlobalSecurity.org https://www.globalsecurity.org/sitemap.htm
GLOBSEC - News [Search "Arctic" in website search bar] https://www.globsec.org/?s=arctic
Gwich'in Council International https://gwichincouncil.com/
International Maritime Organization (IMO) - International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) [PDF - Full Text] https://wwwcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/Documents/POLAR%20CODE%20TEXT%20AS%20ADOPTED.pdf
International Maritime Organization (IMO) - Shipping in Polar Waters https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/Pages/Polar-default.aspx
Inuit Circumpolar Council https://www.inuitcircumpolar.com/
NATO - Search Term "Arctic" https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/search.htm?query=arctic&submitSearch=
Nordic Council - International Strategy for the Nordic Council 2018–2022 [Download the PDF] https://www.norden.org/en/node/57982
Nordic Council - News https://www.norden.org/en/nyheder
Nordic Council - Search "Arctic" in website's search bar https://www.norden.org/en/search?query=arctic
The Northern Dimension - News & Events https://northerndimension.info/news-events/
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - News [Search "Arctic" in website search bar, then select "Sort by Date" https://www.osce.org/gsearch?qr=arctic
Polar Research and Policy Initiative (PRPI) https://polarconnection.org/
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North https://raipon.info/
Saami Council https://www.saamicouncil.net/en/home/
Standing Committee of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region (SCPAR) - About Us https://arcticparl.org/about/
Standing Committee of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region (SCPAR) - News https://arcticparl.org/category/news/
United Nations (UN) - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) https://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf
United Nations (UN) Environment Programme (UNEP) - Arctic Region https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/oceans-seas/what-we-do/working-regional-seas/regional-seas-programmes/arctic-region
United Press Internaitonal, Inc. - [Search "Arctic" in website search bar] https://www.upi.com/search?ss=arctic
University of the Arctic https://www.uarctic.org/
University of the Arctic - News https://www.uarctic.org/news
West Nordic Council (Vestnordisk Råd) - News https://www.vestnordisk.is/nyheder/
West Nordic Council (Vestnordisk Råd) - Official Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/vestnordisk.org/
III. Arctic Council Member-Nation Sources (236)
A collation of all Government & Media Sources from Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the United States of America relevant to Arctic Security
III.A. Canadian (Canada) Sources (Government & Media) (25)
III.A.1. Canadian Government Sources (14)
Canadian Coast Guard - Arctic Coast Guard Forum https://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/corporation-information-organisation/partnerships-partenariats/arctic-forum-eng.html
Canadian Forces College - News https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/254-eng.html
Canadian Government - Canada's Arctic Foreign Policy https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/arctic-arctique/arctic_policy-canada-politique_arctique.aspx?lang=eng
Canadian Government - Canada's Defense Policy [for quickest results, download the Strong, Secure, Engaged PDF and search "Arctic" using Ctl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Mac)] https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/canada-defence-policy.html
Canadian Government - Canadian Forces Station Alert https://www.rcaf.forces.gc.ca/en/alert.page
Canadian Government - Joint Task Force North https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/conduct/regional-task-force/north.html
Canadian Government - Canadian Sovereignty Operations https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/types/canadian-sovereignty.html
Canadian Government - Operation BOXTOP https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-boxtop.html
Canadian Government - Operation LIMPID https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-limpid.html
Canadian Government - Operation NANOOK https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-nanook.html
Canadian Government - Operation NEVUS https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-nevus.html
Canadian Government - Operation NUNALIVUT https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/recently-completed/operation-nunalivut.html
Canadian Rangers https://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/canadian-rangers/index.page
NATO Association of Canada https://natoassociation.ca/
III.A.2. Canadian Media Sources (11)
Calgary Herald [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar, then select "Sort By: Newest first"] https://calgaryherald.com/search/?search_text=arctic&date_range=-365d&sort=desc
CBC/Radio-Canada [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar] https://www.cbc.ca/search?q=arctic§ion=all&sortOrder=relevance&media=all
CTV News [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar] https://www.ctvnews.ca/search-results/search-ctv-news-7.137?q=arctic
CP24 [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar] https://www.cp24.com/search-results/search-cp24-7.127?q=arctic
Edmonton Journal [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar, then select "Sort By: Newest first"] https://edmontonjournal.com/search/?search_text=arctic&date_range=-365d&sort=desc
The Globe and Mail [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/search/?q=arctic&mode=all&S=relevant
Ottawa Citizen - Defence Watch https://ottawacitizen.com/category/news/national/defence-watch/
Radio Canada International - Eye on the Arctic https://www.rcinet.ca/eye-on-the-arctic/
SaltWire Network [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar, then select "Sort by newest "] https://www.saltwire.com/search/?search=arctic&order=newest
Toronto Star [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar] https://www.thestar.com/search.html?q=arctic
Toronto Sun [Search "Arctic" in website searchbar] https://torontosun.com/search/?search_text=arctic
III.B. Danish Realm (Kingdom of Denmark) Sources (Government & Media of All Constituents) (31)
[CURATOR'S NOTE: The Danish Realm (i.e. the Kingdom of Denmark) is a sovereign state consisting of three constituent governments: Denmark (or "Denmark Proper"), Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. In many ways, the Danish Realm is the continuation of the former global colonial system that was the Dano-Norwegian Realm (i.e. the "Twin Realms"). The modern Danish Realm has an Arctic presence by way of Greenland and a "Sub-Arctic" presence by way of the Faroe Islands and Denmark Proper.]
III.B.1. Danish (Denmark, or "Denmark Proper") Sources (Government & Media) (18)
III.B.1.a. Danish Government Sources (5)
Danish Defense - The Danish Armed Forces - News https://www.forsvaret.dk/en/
Danish Defense - Danish Defence Agreement 2010-2014 https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/154939/Denmark2010-2014English.pdf
Danish Defense - Joint Arctic Command https://www.forsvaret.dk/en/organisation/joint-arctic-command/
Danish Defense - Joint Arctic Command: About Us https://www.forsvaret.dk/en/organisation/joint-arctic-command/about-us/
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark - Foreign Policy: The Arctic [Download PDF "Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020"] https://um.dk/en/foreign-policy/the-arctic
Parliament of Denmark - "Denmark’s Military Capacities in the Arctic Region" [PDF] https://www.ft.dk/samling/20151/almdel/fou/bilag/138/1642107.pdf
III.B.1.b. Danish Media Sources (13)
Århus Stiftstidende [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://stiften.dk/artikel/pia-olsen-dyhr-klar-til-ministerposter-jeg-vil-gerne-v%C3%A6re-finansminister
Berlingske [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://www.berlingske.dk/search?query=arktis
BT [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://www.bt.dk/search?query=arktis
Ekstra Bladet [Search for "Arktis" in website search bar (located at bottom of homepage), then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://ekstrabladet.dk/find/?q=arktis&ilc=c
FyensStiftstidende [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://fyens.dk/soeg?keywords=arktis
Information [Search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://www.information.dk/search/site/ARKTIS
JydskeVestkysten [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://jv.dk/soeg?keywords=Arktis
Jyllands-Posten [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://jyllands-posten.dk/arkiv/?q=arktis
Kristeligt Dagblad [Search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/soeg?soeg=arktis
News.dk [Search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://news.dk/soeg?q=arktis
Politiken [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://politiken.dk/search/?q=arktis
Sjællandske Medier (Zealand Media) [Search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://www.sn.dk/search/Arktis
Vejle Amts Folkeblad [Select "Menu," then search for "Arktis" in website search bar, then translate to English or other language (if not proficient with Danish) using web browser extension] https://vafo.dk/soeg?keywords=arktis
III.B.2. Faroese (Faroe Islands) Sources (Government & Media) (7)
III.B.2.a. Faroese Government Sources (5)
The Government of the Faroe Islands - Bilateral Agreements and Membership of International Organisations https://www.faroeislands.fo/government-politics/foreign-relations/international-cooperation/
The Government of the Faroe Islands - Faroe Islands Abroad https://www.faroeislands.fo/government-politics/faroe-islands-abroad/
The Government of the Faroe Islands - The Faroe Islands in Europe https://www.faroeislands.fo/government-politics/foreign-relations/faroe-islands-in-europe/
The Government of the Faroe Islands - The Faroe Islands in the International Community https://www.faroeislands.fo/government-politics/foreign-relations/
The Government of the Faroe Islands - News https://www.faroeislands.fo/the-big-picture/news/
III.B.2.b. Faroese Media Sources (2)
Dimmalætting https://www.dimma.fo/
Portal.fo https://portal.fo
III.B.3. Greenlandic (Greenland) Sources (Government & Media) (6)
III.B.3.a. Greenlandic Government Sources (2)
Government of Greenland - Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/naalakkersuisut/
Rescue Council for Shipping and Aviation - The Search and Rescue Service in Greenland, Volume I, June 2020 https://www.forsvaret.dk/globalassets/fko---varnsfalles/ako/dokumenter/2021/-210727-sar-greenland-vol-i-june-2020-english-version-1.0-.pdf
III.B.3.b. Greenlandic Media Sources (4)
Air Greenland https://www.airgreenland.gl/
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (KNR) https://knr.gl/kl
Royal Arctic Line https://www.ral.gl/
Sermitsiaq https://sermitsiaq.ag/
III.C. Finnish (Republic of Finland) Sources (Government & Media) (27)
III.C.1. Finnish Government Sources (12)
Finnish Government - "Finland's Strategy for Arctic Policy" [PDF] https://julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/163247/VN_2021_55.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Finnish Government - "Government Report on Finnish Foreign and Security Policy" [PDF] https://julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/162515/VN_2020_32.pdf?sequence=1
Prime Minister's Office - Arctic Advisory Board https://vnk.fi/en/projects-and-legislation/project?tunnus=VNK055:00/2020
Prime Minister's Office - Arctic Policy https://vnk.fi/en/arctic-issues
Prime Minister's Office - Finland's Strategy for Arctic Policy https://vnk.fi/en/arctic-issues/finland-s-strategy-for-arctic-policy
Prime Minister's Office - Search "Arctic" in website's search box https://vnk.fi/en/search?q=arctic
Puolustusministeriö [Ministry of Defence] https://www.defmin.fi/en
Ulkoasiainministeriö [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] - Barents Cooperation https://um.fi/barents-cooperation
Ulkoasiainministeriö [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] - Central Actors in the Arctic and Antarctic https://um.fi/central-actors-in-the-arctic
Ulkoasiainministeriö [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] - Finland's Arctic and Antarctic Cooperation https://um.fi/arctic-cooperation
Ulkoasiainministeriö [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] - Northern Dimension https://um.fi/northern-dimension
Ulkoasiainministeriö [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] - Projects that Strengthen Cooperation in the Baltic Sea, Barents Sea and the Arctic Regions https://um.fi/projects-that-strengthen-cooperation-in-the-baltic-sea-barents-sea-and-the-arctic-regions
III.C.2. Finnish Media Sources (15)
Aamulehti - Search "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.aamulehti.fi/haku/?query=arktinen&category=kaikki&period=whenever&order=new
Ampparit - Search for "arktinen" in website's search bar (GREAT WEB PORTAL FOR SEARCHING MULTIPLE FINNISH WEBSITES SIMULTANEOUSLY) https://www.ampparit.com/haku?q=arktinen
Helsingin Sanomat - Search for "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.hs.fi/haku/?query=arktinen&category=kaikki&period=whenever&order=new
Ilkka Pohjalainen https://ilkkapohjalainen.fi/
Iltalehti https://www.iltalehti.fi/
Ilta Sanomat - Search for "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.is.fi/haku/
Kaleva - Search for "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.kaleva.fi/haku#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=arktinen&gsc.sort=date
Kauppalehti - Search for "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.kauppalehti.fi/haku/uutiset/arktinen
Länsi-Guomi - Select "Menu," then select "Uusimmat" [Newest], then search for "arktinen" in website's search bar https://ls24.fi/haku?q=arktinen&sort=latest
Lapin Kansa - Search "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.lapinkansa.fi/haku
Satakunnan Kansa https://www.satakunnankansa.fi/
Savon Sanomat https://www.savonsanomat.fi/
TIVI - Search "arktinen" in website's search bar https://www.tivi.fi/haku/arktinen
Verkkouutiset.fi [Online News] https://www.verkkouutiset.fi/
Yle [Step 1: Search "arktinen" in website's search bar; Step 2: Select the magnifying glass icon to open the official Search Results webpage; Step 3: Select "Hakutyökalut" ["Search Tools"]; Step 4: Select "Milloin tahansa" ["Whenever"] to adjust date-range (very helpful for searching Arctic-related content within specific time periods)] https://haku.yle.fi/?language=fi&query=arktinen&type=article&uiLanguage=fi
III.D. Icelandic (Iceland) Sources (Government & Media) (9)
III.D.1. Icelandic Government Sources (4)
Government of Iceland - Arctic Affairs https://www.government.is/topics/foreign-affairs/arctic-region/arctic-affairs/
Government of Iceland - The Arctic Region https://www.government.is/topics/foreign-affairs/arctic-region/
Government of Iceland - "Iceland's Policy on Matters Concerning the Arctic Region" [Download PDF] https://www.government.is/news/article/2021/10/15/Icelands-Policy-on-Matters-Concerning-the-Arctic-Region/
Government of Iceland - National Security https://www.government.is/topics/foreign-affairs/national-security/
III.D.2. Icelandic Media Sources (5)
Iceland Review https://www.icelandreview.com/
Morgunblaðið https://www.mbl.is/frettir/
Víkurfréttir https://www.vf.is/
Viðskiptablaðið https://www.vb.is/
Vísir https://www.visir.is/
III.E. Norwegian (Kingdom of Norway) Sources (Government & Media) (19)
III.E.1. Norwegian Government Sources (6)
Norwegian Armed Forces - Exercises and Operations https://www.forsvaret.no/en/exercises-and-operations
Norwegian Armed Forces - News https://www.forsvaret.no/en/news/articles
Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (GSSO) https://www.regjeringen.no/en/id4/
Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (GSSO) - News and Press Releases https://www.regjeringen.no/en/whatsnew/news-and-press-releases/id2006120/
Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (GSSO) - The Norwegian Government's Arctic Policy https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/arctic_policy/id2830120/
Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (GSSO) - Reports, Plans and Strategies https://www.regjeringen.no/en/find-document/reports-and-plans/id438817/?topic=1154&term=
III.E.2. Norwegian Media Sources (13)
ABC Nyheter https://www.abcnyheter.no/?autorefresh=1
Adresseavisen https://www.adressa.no/
Aftenposten https://www.aftenposten.no/
The Barents Observer https://thebarentsobserver.com/en
Bergens Tidende https://www.bt.no/
Dagbladet https://www.dagbladet.no/
Dagens Næringsliv https://www.dn.no/
E24 https://e24.no/
High North News https://www.highnorthnews.com/en
Nettavisen https://www.nettavisen.no/
Norsk rikskringkasting AS [Norwegian Broadcastingn Corporation] (NRK) https://www.nrk.no/
Sol https://sol.no/
III.F. Russian (Russian Federation) Sources (Government & Media) (32)
III.F.1. Russian Government Sources (2)
Government of the Russian Federation http://government.ru/en/
Russian Ministry of Defence http://eng.mil.ru/
III.F.2. Russian State Media Sources (4)
Sputnik News https://sputniknews.com/
TASS Russian News Agency https://tass.com/
Russia 24 http://vesti.ru/
III.F.3. Other Russian Media Sources (26)
Dni.ru https://dni.ru/
Free Press https://svpressa.ru/
Inosmi https://inosmi.ru/
Interfax-Russia https://www.interfax.ru/
Komsomolskaya Pravda - Russia https://www.kp.ru/
Life https://life.ru/
Military Review https://topwar.ru/
The Moscow Times https://www.themoscowtimes.com/
Moskva24 https://www.m24.ru/
NGS.ru https://ngs.ru/
Novye Izvestia https://newizv.ru/
PolitikusZ https://politikus.ru/
Pravda https://www.pravda.ru/
Radio Liberty https://www.svoboda.org/
Republic https://republic.ru/
Rosbalt https://www.rosbalt.ru/
Regnum https://regnum.ru/
Russian7 https://russian7.ru/
Rossiyskaya Gazeta https://rg.ru/
Russian Planet https://rusplt.ru/
Russian Spring https://rusvesna.su/
Sibir.Realii https://www.sibreal.org/
SMI2 https://smi2.ru/
Vedomosti https://www.vedomosti.ru/
III.G. Swedish (Kingdom of Sweden) Sources (Government & Media) (34)
III.G.1. Swedish Government Sources (8)
[CURATOR'S NOTE: Many Swedish government webpages are available in multiple languages, namely Swedish and English. Consider browsing different language versions of these websites to maximize content findings. Highlighted web sources are especially relevant for Arctic Security intelligence-gathering]:
Government Offices of Sweden https://www.government.se/
Government Offices of Sweden - Search "Arctic" https://www.government.se/search/?query=arctic
Government Offices of Sweden - Sweden's Strategy for the Arctic Region https://www.government.se/country-and-regional-strategies/2011/10/swedens-strategy-for-the-arctic-region/
Government Offices of Sweden - Sweden's Strategy for the Arctic Region 2020 https://www.government.se/information-material/2020/11/swedens-strategy-for-the-arctic-region-2020/
Swedish Armed Forces https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/en/
Swedish Armed Forces - Arctic https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/en/search/#!/all?query=arctic
Swedish Armed Forces - Blogs https://blogg.forsvarsmakten.se/
Swedish Armed Forces - News https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/aktuellt/
III.G.2. Swedish Media Sources (26)
[CURATOR'S NOTE: To help narrow your search, consider using key search terms relevant to Arctic Security--such as "arktiska," "arktisk," "nordpols-," "nordlig," or other similar Swedish words or phrases--in the search bars of the media websites below]:
Aftonbladet https://www.aftonbladet.se/
Borås Tidning https://www.bt.se/
Corren https://corren.se/nyheter
Dagens Nyhete https://www.dn.se/
DT.se https://www.dt.se/
Expressen https://www.expressen.se/
Fria Tider https://www.friatider.se/
Göteborgs-Posten https://www.gp.se/
Helahälsingland https://www.helahalsingland.se/
The Local https://www.thelocal.se/
Nerikes Allehanda https://www.na.se/
Nordfront https://nordfront.se/
Norran https://norran.se/nyheter
Nya Wermlands-Tidningen https://www.nwt.se/om/
Nyheter24 https://nyheter24.se/
Omni https://omni.se/
Örnsköldsvik's Allehanda https://www.allehanda.se/
Östersunds-Posten https://www.op.se/
Samnytt https://samnytt.se/
Smålandsposten https://www.smp.se/
Sundsvalls Tidning https://www.st.nu/
Svenska Dagbladet https://www.svd.se/
Sydsvenskan https://www.sydsvenskan.se/
Upsala Nya Tidning https://unt.se/nyheter
Västerbottens-Kuriren https://www.vk.se/
III.H. US (United States of America) Sources (Government & Media) (34)
III.H.1. US Government Sources (10)
Alaska Aerospace https://akaerospace.com/about-us/
Alaska National Guard https://ak.ng.mil/
Alaska National Guard - News https://ak.ng.mil/Media/News/
Alaska State Defense Force https://dmva.alaska.gov/ASDF/
Council on Foreign Relations - Arctic https://www.cfr.org/global-commons/arctic
Eielson Air Force Base https://www.eielson.af.mil/News/
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson - News https://www.jber.jb.mil/News/News-Articles/
North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) https://www.norad.mil/
US National Guard - News [Search "Arctic" in website search bar] https://search.usa.gov/search?query=arctic&affiliate=nationalguard&utf8=%26%23x2713%3B
US Northern Command - News https://www.northcom.mil/news/
III.H.2. US Media Sources (24)
ABC - International https://abcnews.go.com/International
AP News https://apnews.com/
AP News - World News https://apnews.com/hub/world-news?utm_source=apnewsnav&utm_medium=navigation
Breitbart News - World News https://www.breitbart.com/world-news/
CBS News - World News https://www.cbsnews.com/world/
CNN - World News https://www.cnn.com/world
The Daily Beast - World News https://www.thedailybeast.com/category/world
Drudge Report https://drudgereport.com/
Fox News - World News https://www.foxnews.com/world
The Heritage Foundation - Search "Arctic" in website's search bar https://www.heritage.org/search?contains=arctic
Los Angeles Times - World & Nation https://www.latimes.com/world-nation
MilitaryLeak - Search for "Arctic" in website's search bar [Note: many articles do not feature publication dates. Recommendation: use data from posted articles to cross-reference with other online sources. Valuable for generating leads on information-gathering.] https://militaryleak.com/?s=arctic
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA) - Search "Arctic" in website's search bar https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/?s=arctic
National Interest [Search "Arctic" in Website's Searchbox] https://nationalinterest.org/search/node/arctic
NBC - World News https://www.nbcnews.com/world
NPR - World - https://www.npr.org/sections/world/
New York Daily News - World News https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/
The New York Times - World News https://www.nytimes.com/section/world
Quartz - https://qz.com/
Reuters - World News https://www.reuters.com/world/
U.S. News & World Report - World Report https://www.usnews.com/news/world-news
USA Today - World News https://www.usatoday.com/news/world/
The Washing Post - World News https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/?itid=hp_top_nav_world
Yahoo News - World https://news.yahoo.com/world/
IV. Arctic Council Observer-Nation Sources
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