"Understand Your World"


The Article V Convention of States is one of two methods by which the U.S. Constitution may be amended, and the only one that has not been used. By getting 3/4 of the states involved, the Convention is a representative approach to governmental reform without relying on inside-the-beltway bureaucrats to come up with solutions to D.C.'s problems.
Most modern schools in America bind their students to within the tight geographical region of a zip code, without offering any better alternatives to their pupils. School choice is a nation-wide effort to improve schools and the educational standards thereof by allowing parents to be free in where they may send their kids.
This federal revenue reform measure pushes all taxes to the sales receipt on a cash register. No taxes are hidden, no fees are missed. No underground economy (e.g., mobsters or sleazy corporatists) escapes American taxation; and the method transfer eliminates the federal income tax, gift tax, death tax, and much more!

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"