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"Understand Your World"
West Virginia PASSES Convention of States Resolution!
Earlier this month, West Virginia became the 18th state to join the Convention of States movement when both the house and the senate of...
Utah Succumbs to Special Interests, Gives $12 Million to Kevin Costner Instead of School Choice Bill
Last month, Utah's legislative session decided to apportion hundreds of millions of dollars to tax returns (which is generally a good...
School Choice Allowed for Union Teachers, Banned for Most Families
Like how Obama (D) sent his kids to private alternatives for education instead of the Washington D.C. school system and how Virginia...
FAIRtax: Why It's Important That It's 23% Instead of 30%
The FAIRtax is a actually 23% - not 30% - using the same standards advocates for the income tax use. Here's why that matters: The...
FairTax Act of 2021 SUCCESSFULLY Filed in 117th Congress
"No other tax plan is as simple or gives everyday Americans the ultimate freedom over their hard-earned dollars, all while encouraging...
Nebraska SUCCESSFULLY advances Convention of States resolution!
"The rules stated that the Resolution was totally dead with no possibility of moving forward. But our team in Nebraska--both volunteers...
Meckler: The American People Are Rejecting the Washington Establishment
President of Convention of States Action, Mark Meckler, wrote the following article, which was originally published on Newsmax and also...
Republican Governor Receives Accolades for School Reform
Watchdog organization Americans For Prosperity-Florida (AFP-FL) released a state-wide ad in Florida, bringing attention to and lauding...
News: Blog2
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