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"Understand Your World"
Combatting Negative Self-Talk: Strategies for a Healthier Mindset
Negative self-talk, the inner dialogue that criticizes or belittles oneself, can be a major obstacle to mental well-being and personal...
Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder: Navigating Misconceptions and Embracing Healing
Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial, medical, or...
The Hidden Art of Breathing
Breathing, an act so automatic that it often escapes our notice, holds the key to our physical and mental well-being. This fundamental...
ABULK: A Legal Option for Anadrol Steroids? | OSIRIS Review
Featured Study showcasing how Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (AAS) destroy men's lives and the winning comeback story of a safe,...
The Importance of New Year's Beyond Resolutions
In every religion and culture - probably without a fault - there lies in it a rich tradition, annual in nature, that centers the...
On Brazil's Pro-Life Doctrine
Brazil announced its stance on the right to protect pre-born babies, support mothers, and promote functional families--after Roe v. Wade
Biden Science Official Denies Science, Blames Trump & Threatens Population with Crushing Ultimatums
"[T]he physician wandered far afield of medical opinion, offering legal arguments for federal vaccine mandates and maintaining that the...
OSIRIS Open Source Curator - Russo-Ukrainian War
U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Notice: This webpage may contain links to Affiliate Sponsors, meaning if you choose to click on such...
GOP Confronts CDC's COVID Natural Immunity Denial
While Biden-loyal Democrats push for every single American citizen to be vaccinated (mostly by force) Republican lawmakers look for...
Fauci’s Organization Is Directly Linked to COVID-19 Creation
Documents obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) run contrary to Dr. Fauci’s narrative of having nothing to do with the research...
Countering Codependency: Living in a Globally Secure World via Psychology & Political Philosophy
"It's not just about how to provide for a safer world but how to allow for a more functional one with more functional regions consisting...
Best Beginner Fitness Tips From Personal Trainers
Physical fitness is foundational for the citizen and the nation. Look at the following, experientially based wisdom for building a better...
Myth and Facts of Mental Health
"Myth: Personality weakness or character flaws cause mental health problems. People with mental health problems can snap out of it if...
China Caught in Misinformation War to Destabilize U.S. Economy
The New York Times reports that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), in the early days of their globally shaking Wuhan coronavirus,...
News: Blog2
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